Monthly Emphasis
Each month we make an intentional effort to focus on a missional opportunity. Below we share with you our month focuses so that you can know what is coming ahead and so that you can join us!
Each month, the second Sunday Evening of each month, we share a meal together at 5:30pm and then at 6:00pm we share a mission lesson of some sort to keep us connect to the global work of Jesus. Feel free to join us! You do not have to be a member of our church, you simple need to have a passion for God's work not only here at home, but around the world.
Each month, the second Sunday Evening of each month, we share a meal together at 5:30pm and then at 6:00pm we share a mission lesson of some sort to keep us connect to the global work of Jesus. Feel free to join us! You do not have to be a member of our church, you simple need to have a passion for God's work not only here at home, but around the world.

The annual World Mission Broadcast Offering provides resources to reach millions around the world for Christ via broadcast media, especially radio. Received in June each year, the World Mission Broadcast Offering provides funding for program production, airtime, and follow-up materials. Holiness programming, delivered by radio, television and the Internet, reaches around the world with the message of Jesus and his redeeming love and helps to disciple those who respond.
In 2010, World Mission Broadcast is reaching the unreached in: 36 Languages, 72 Countries, 140 Programs, 7,012 Broadcasts*
Your participation is needed to reach the unreached through World Mission Broadcast. In addition to the offering, prayer support of individuals and local churches is vital to this broadcast ministry.
While NMI promotes the World Mission Broadcast Offering for June of each year, contributions may be made at any time by sending a check. Mark check for World Mission Broadcast, make it payable to “General Treasurer, Church of the Nazarene,†and send to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 843116
Kansas City MO 64184-3116
In 2010, World Mission Broadcast is reaching the unreached in: 36 Languages, 72 Countries, 140 Programs, 7,012 Broadcasts*
Your participation is needed to reach the unreached through World Mission Broadcast. In addition to the offering, prayer support of individuals and local churches is vital to this broadcast ministry.
While NMI promotes the World Mission Broadcast Offering for June of each year, contributions may be made at any time by sending a check. Mark check for World Mission Broadcast, make it payable to “General Treasurer, Church of the Nazarene,†and send to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 843116
Kansas City MO 64184-3116

Nazarene educational institutions around the world are training preachers, teachers, evangelists, nurses, and vocational and lay leaders. This education is essential to the success of evangelistic efforts. Please remember the students, faculty, and their staff in your prayers. You can find our institutions by regions here.

The LINKS program of the Church of the Nazarene is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarenes around the world. Missionaries are assigned to districts and, then on the district level, connected to local churches. This gives each church an opportunity to become personally acquainted with the missionary family and their field of service. Typically, churches send cards, cash gifts, packages, and other remembrances to their LINKS missionaries.
In return, the churches feel a sense of involvement with the global mission of the church through regular correspondence from the missionaries, updates from their field, and even through visitation services while the missionaries are on home assignment. The missionaries are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them. The relationships built over time personalize names and faces that both the missionaries and their LINKS churches value highly.
In return, the churches feel a sense of involvement with the global mission of the church through regular correspondence from the missionaries, updates from their field, and even through visitation services while the missionaries are on home assignment. The missionaries are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them. The relationships built over time personalize names and faces that both the missionaries and their LINKS churches value highly.

The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to "put down roots." Alabaster funds help provide land for many Work & Witness projects, and the entire Alabaster Offering goes toward the purchase of land and construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for missionaries and national workers.The Alabaster Offering gets to the mission field via several avenues. The most widely used is the Alabaster Box. Individuals are challenged to regularly contribute the cost of items they desire but do not need. The boxes also serve as reminders to pray for those people who will benefit from Alabaster buildings.
In September and February, the money is collected. Sometimes a "march offering" is received with individuals carrying their boxes to the front of the church and pouring the money into a large offering container. The way an offering is received is as varied as the world areas in which the Church of the Nazarene has a presence; however, it is always accompanied with a spirit of rejoicing.
If you would like to give toward Alabaster, click here to give! Thanks you.
In September and February, the money is collected. Sometimes a "march offering" is received with individuals carrying their boxes to the front of the church and pouring the money into a large offering container. The way an offering is received is as varied as the world areas in which the Church of the Nazarene has a presence; however, it is always accompanied with a spirit of rejoicing.
If you would like to give toward Alabaster, click here to give! Thanks you.

God's desire to draw all people to Himself is our mission. When we lovingly, intentionally live out that mission, we are obedient to Christ. Sometimes we need ideas on how to live a mission-centered life. We need clear, realistic direction to help carry out God's mission. That's the reason for Mission Priority One (MPO). While there are countless ways to share Christ's message of hope, Mission Priority One has goals that help churches accomplish two things:
1. Increase church members passion for God's mission.
2. Assist churches in taking the message of Christ to the world.
Nazarene Missions International has four objectives in which every local church can participate:
Praying, Discipling, Giving, and Educating
We offer mission activities based on these objectives to ensure a church's involvement in God's global mission. By making mission a priority, a congregation demonstrates God's passion for all people. Churches involved in mission attract people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Local Mission Priority One requirements are:
1. The church prayed for missions.
2. The church discipled and involved children and youth in local and global missions.
3. The church gave at least 5.5 percent of current income for the World Evangelism Fund.
4. The church participated* in each of the four education categories that follow:
a. NMI missions books/tapes/CDs
b. Missions service projects and/or hands-on missions activities
c. Missions speakers
d. Multimedia missions resources and/or missions publications/communications
Through MPO, a congregation extends Christ's message around the world. Pastors are educated, and mission workers are supported. New believers come to Christ through prayer. Children, youth and adults hear obey God's call to cross-cultural ministry.
1. Increase church members passion for God's mission.
2. Assist churches in taking the message of Christ to the world.
Nazarene Missions International has four objectives in which every local church can participate:
Praying, Discipling, Giving, and Educating
We offer mission activities based on these objectives to ensure a church's involvement in God's global mission. By making mission a priority, a congregation demonstrates God's passion for all people. Churches involved in mission attract people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Local Mission Priority One requirements are:
1. The church prayed for missions.
2. The church discipled and involved children and youth in local and global missions.
3. The church gave at least 5.5 percent of current income for the World Evangelism Fund.
4. The church participated* in each of the four education categories that follow:
a. NMI missions books/tapes/CDs
b. Missions service projects and/or hands-on missions activities
c. Missions speakers
d. Multimedia missions resources and/or missions publications/communications
Through MPO, a congregation extends Christ's message around the world. Pastors are educated, and mission workers are supported. New believers come to Christ through prayer. Children, youth and adults hear obey God's call to cross-cultural ministry.

The Church of the Nazarene's Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund has been a denominational tradition for more than 80 years.
As it did in its beginning, the offering continues to raise support and awareness for missionary causes through the World Evangelism Fund. Created in 1923, the WEF (formerly called the General Fund) provides essential resources for the denomination's churches and missional outposts in more than 159 world areas, and allows individuals and organizations to continue our shared mission “To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”
As members of the Church of the Nazarene, we treasure the miracles God has provided for global evangelism in the past and anticipate what he will do in the future. We are able to give through the Generosity Unlimited resource. For more information on the Thanksgiving Offering and to give, click here.
As it did in its beginning, the offering continues to raise support and awareness for missionary causes through the World Evangelism Fund. Created in 1923, the WEF (formerly called the General Fund) provides essential resources for the denomination's churches and missional outposts in more than 159 world areas, and allows individuals and organizations to continue our shared mission “To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”
As members of the Church of the Nazarene, we treasure the miracles God has provided for global evangelism in the past and anticipate what he will do in the future. We are able to give through the Generosity Unlimited resource. For more information on the Thanksgiving Offering and to give, click here.

Following the example of Jesus, NCM partners with local Nazarene congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate, and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, and disease. NCM exists in and through the Church to proclaim the Gospel to all people.
December is Compassionate Ministries Emphasis month in the Church of the Nazarene. The Board of General Superintendents designated December to encourage a spirit of compassion and personal involvement among Nazarenes everywhere. NCM's prayer is that social holiness would erupt in every local church and that we could come alongside faithful members and resource them to serve.
For more information about NCM, go to our separate site here.
To give or learn more about giving, click here.
December is Compassionate Ministries Emphasis month in the Church of the Nazarene. The Board of General Superintendents designated December to encourage a spirit of compassion and personal involvement among Nazarenes everywhere. NCM's prayer is that social holiness would erupt in every local church and that we could come alongside faithful members and resource them to serve.
For more information about NCM, go to our separate site here.
To give or learn more about giving, click here.