Sunday School classes are in-person again!
There are currently two adult Sunday School classes that meet Sundays at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall. There are classes for teenagers and children as well. The children also have children's church at 10:30 AM.
What – Connect is A place to grow and connect.
(God, The Word, Others, Mission)
When – Some have already begun; more to begin soon…
Where – Homes, church, coffee shops, restaurants, parks…
Why – The purpose of CONNECT is:
1. To know God, know His Word, to know others, and serve (mission)…
Through CONNECT, The Ashland Nazarene family can build a stronger
relationship with Christ, learn more about Him through His Biblical truths,
build community by forming strong connections, and pay it forward (mission).
2. To create an environment friendly to those who need relationship with Jesus
Christ. Connect is an opportunity and place for those who feel more
comfortable in a place outside the church walls to experience the love of God,
learn about His Word, connect to others, and to serve (mission).
What Kind – Any topic or group that draws people to Christ
How often – Whatever fits the need
Who – Anyone who has interest
What Time – Whatever fits the need
How long – Semesters, Quarters, shorter or longer…
Is the Lord directing you to open your home to host a CONNECT group?
Is the Lord asking you to lead a CONNECT group?